Imagine how bad that got after another two weeks.
I took some time out of my crazy schedule for a haircut. Ta da!

The concept is "skate punk." I like it. The sides are a completely different color from the top because I'm too broke to afford a dye job, but from a distance it looks like one color because the values of the two colors are so similar. I'm using it as an example in my color theory classes.
In the meantime, beautiful yarn from around the world has been arriving at my house.

Thrilled with the yarn, the colors, and the friendliness of everyone on the Zauberwiese board on Ravelry, I decided I would travel to the Zauberwiese meet-up in Freiburg in May, where I can practice my German, teach an Albers Cowl class, visit German yarn shops, do some hiking, and make new friends. And buy at least one sweater worth of Zauberweise.
Ich freue mich aus die Garne, die Farben, und die Freundlichkeit der Zauberwiese-Strikkeren an Ravelry, ich entscheide ueber eine Reise nach der Zauberwiese Treffen im Freiburg in Mai zu machen. Ich wird meine Deutsche ueben, ein Albers Cowl Workshop lehren, Deutsche Garn Ladens besuchen, Wanderungen machen, und neues Freunden machen. Und auch genug Zauberweise Garn fuer ein Pulli kaufen.
Next post: The crossfit experience and yarn from Canada.