Why knit?
I find that I knit a whole lot more for others than I do for myself. Yes, it's great to go into a Job and say, "Oh, this sweater? Yes, I designed and made it last week." Looking fabulous and demonstrating quantifiable Skill are very, very satisfying. "LOOK AT ME!!! Not only am I gorgeous and fashion-forward, but I also have SKILL! Observe the Skill!"
But not as satisfying as watching someone else unwrap something I've made. In order to give myself and these other people this type of satisfaction this holiday season, we'll see if I can finish up all the stuff in various stages pictured here... some is done and blocked, some is well underway, some is yarn.
Reading blogs and talking to other knitters, I know that many other knitters' family members do not wear handknits. I think this would make me sad. There's nothing like a rabid Dud talking about how often he wears the sweaters I've made him and how there's just no time to wash them. He just can't go without for the time it takes the thing to dry. Or Chris asking me nicely for a "series of short socks" that he can wear with shorts in the summer and while bicycling and getting moderately upset whenever he sees me knitting a sock not intended for him. Or friends flipping through knitting pattern books when they come over and putting Post-Its on the pages of designs they particularly like.
On the other hand, I would have time to make myself some socks. Or get those two submissions out that are due this month. Perhaps I would complete a commissioned thing or two. Or write down some more patterns from the things I designed and knit up years ago.
Nah, I like Doing It for other people. I have the rest of my life to write up patterns.
Why do you Do It?