but by the time you get home being so happy to be out of the sweltering car (its only luxuries are actually the radio and heated seats) that missing the game isn't such a big deal (see, it wasn't quite as bad as...).
STILL HAVEN'T SEEN IT, so don't post comments about the results! It will be replayed on demand tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow, I'll be leaving tomorrow evening on a two-week Internet-free real vacation. Chris and I will be going to the Netherlands for a few days, going to Liege in Belgium to watch the prologue of the Tour de France, and then heading into Germany for about a week.
I pedicured my feet for the first time in about six months in preparation. I think it works well with what I call "crossfit legs" (skinned knee is from burpees and bruises on shins were from doing this, not particularly well, today).
Let me leave you with some beauty that Karen, one of my friends and a participant in my Square Shawl workshop at Woolworks, created. That's Weaverknits Grellow! I want it!!!
The pattern is actually a recipe that I teach in the workshop, but I will be publishing it in July, so if you want one and can't take a workshop, I got you!
Talk to all of you soon! Wait until you see some of the knitting designs I've made lately!