This past Friday I realized I have a knitting deadline on June 20. The days, they fly by lately! Could not get out of work early, ran to the subway, ran from the subway to Windsor Button in downtown Boston, got there 4 minutes before closing, and met
Sockpixie and Susan, the owner, who were so nice as to let me in to browse for summer yarn for Deadline Project. I ended up with this, which Max loves:

Cotton Ease! Yay! I'm already well into the project and should be done by the end of the week. Love the Cotton Ease... cheap, not hard on the hands, machine washable, available everywhere, and the available colors are quite nice.

In other knitting, I've been working on Norah Gaughan's
Noemi scarf for a gift. I'm using SWTC bamboo; love the color, love the drape, hate the weird splittiness. The construction is like a chain, and, if you're not super careful, you can hook a tiny thread of the chain that will then split away and cannot be reintroduced into its strand. If I use this yarn again it will not be for a pattern that involves ssk and the like.
Other than that, lots of biking and War and Peace reading. I'm almost 100 pages in, and loving it. I'm finding it surprisingly easy to read and engaging. Slow, yes, but I'm in no rush. If you're on Ravelry, check out the
More soon! I'll post as soon as the voting is up at
Little Knits for the Trenna contest. All the competition is up there, five total, all very different. Check it out!