Hooray! It's time once more to get out of Dodge with a bag of books and samples. I'll be at the Blue Purl all day on Saturday with all my samples and signed books. It's part of the Northern New Jersey Yarn Crawl, baby! I know I'll see Karen, and Kim, and I'll be staying with another knitting Ann who was actually the very first person to purchase a hard copy of my book online... it's all just too warm and fuzzy!
So make the trek if you're in Jersey! I sense big fun.
COME TO PHILLY INSTEAD. i can't make it up to north jersey, especially when south jersey is so much nicer, warmer, and greener! the weather is great right now... i'll wear my albers cowl! i promise!
I wish you had a gigantic, Mary-Poppins-style carpetbag for such excursions.
im so happy for you that the book is doing so well... congratiolations.
Yay! sounds great.
Have a blast! Give Kim a big hug for me.
Ann, it was so great meeting you today at The Blue Purl. You are a beautiful person and an amazing designer! Best of luck in all your endeavors. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Ann, it was so great meeting you and chatting today at The Blue Purl. You are a beautiful and inspirational person, and an amazing designer! I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend in the Garden State. Best of luck in all your endeavors!
Just saw your sweater on Knitty and it is fantastic! Congratulations on another awesome, edgy, modern, colorful design!
- Stephanie (sjn821 on Rav)
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