Saturday, May 31, 2008

For your viewing pleasure...

The Honeycomb Shawl... a new Weaverknits design that is 108 inches of silk and wool goodness in a shockingly easy to create, all-garter-stitch form now up for examination at the Little Knits blog. It is part of the Trenna lace contest I mentioned a few months back, and, if it wins, the pattern will be available through Little Knits. If it does not, the pattern will be available for a nominal fee through me.

So... check it out, and Vote Weaverknits! I promise Grellow for all and Pornge for some.


hannah said...

When is the voting?

nicole said...

Yah, how do we vote?

(Very lovely scarf btw. And given that it's Orenburg-inspired, it could be a good candidate for the W&P KAL!)

Mrs. Lear said...

Beautiful - I can't wait to make this in yellow!!!!

lisa said...

that's gorgeous!

craftivore said...

Holy Guacamole, that is gorgeous. I'm rooting for you.

A Homely Heroine said...

Wow, its gorgeous!!!!

LindaL said...
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LindaL said...

Great Pattern! I'd like to try this for my first lace project.
How/where do I get this pattern?