Oh man, really, really not feeling well today... it sneaked up on me during what was supposed to be a long bike ride yesterday, cut short by my stomach issues. As I hung out in the bathroom of a service station we passed on our way back to the car, Chris made a small friend:

It seems he lives behind or within the station.
From my prone position yesterday I finished up something I've been planning for a while... a new pattern... or rather, blueprint for a pattern.
Remember the SCARF? Well, since cowls, scarves, and chunky knits are still very much the thing, I decided to write down everything I learned about knitting with roving and broomsticks and illustrate it with tons of photos so that anyone who's interested can make their own SCARF or COWL.

Seriously, I made the COWL this afternoon and it took about 45 minutes. What a present, right?
Enjoy! You can find the 10-page tutorial with instructions for both SCARF and COWL here for $3.00.

Hopefully it's back to the Job tomorrow. Until then, it's Law and Order reruns, lots of water, and some mindless round and round knitting.