This morning:
Get up at 6:30 am with Chris as part of my "Preparation for 3 am Job" plan. Wait until Chris leaves to go back to bed. As soon as I lie down, think I hear Chris coming up the stairs from the basement. Spring out of bed, race into living room. No Chris. Am now sufficiently stunned to stay awake.
Knit knit knit knit and watch three free On-Demand movies.
Auto Focus. Includes Willem Dafoe. Not great.
Coffy. Pam Grier. A classic. If you have to watch one of these movies pick this one for the camp value.
Saw III. I like horror movies, but the Saw series is just awful.
Share photos of 2.5 completed pairs of Mother's Day socks:

1. "Child's French Sock" from Nancy Bush, Knitting Vintage Socks. Knit in
Zen Yarn Garden Serendipity Fingering. Love the pattern (elegant and very easy to memorize), love the tight twist of the yarn.

2. "Lichen Ribbed Sock" from Knitting Vintage Socks. Knit in
Spunky Eclectic sock yarn, don't remember which type. This yarn striped in the most awesome way, I'm very pleased.

3. Basic sock striped in
Reynold's Soft Sea Wool remnants with a cuff edged in some unknown leftovers. This cuff edge idea is stolen from
Nicole's brilliant striped socks.
Next up: Knit knit knit, calculations for new pattern, sketches, knit, and another movie...
Moll Flanders, perhaps?
Midnight Bayou, a Lifetime Channel Original? A bodice-ripper will contrast nicely with what I've seen so far today!
Have a friend coming from DC for the weekend tonight, hence the knitting binge. I may be at
New Hampshire Sheep and Wool tomorrow... anyone going?