... since I can see, off in the distance, the end of the sample knitting for the book. Some inspiration for what I will knit next:

Folktale Patchwork Handspun (I just purchased two skeins after waiting several months for Abby, the fiber artist behind Folktale, to reopen her shop after a move). There will be a project in the book using this yarn (I ideally wanted to use my own handspun, but time constraints prevented me. Plus, I like to share products that I love and that others can purchase).

The new Rowan. The cover alone makes me want to knit, makes me happy that I do knit. I actually have the yarns to make that scarf. Today, after 13 hours of work yesterday and four hours of sleep last night, I feel confident that I will make the dress, too. Thinking about what shoes I will wear with it gets me part way there, right?
For some book project updates, see Andrea's blog. She's been a champion with the garter stitch. You'll see... there's. a. lot. of it.
Bedtime! Thanks for the awesome comments about my interview!
For some book project updates, see Andrea's blog. She's been a champion with the garter stitch. You'll see... there's. a. lot. of it.
Bedtime! Thanks for the awesome comments about my interview!