It is clear that Mulva, our dear vintage Volvo, has become a collision magnet. Last week Tuesday, the president of the company for which I work backed into parked Mulva on his way out from work. It was about 10 pm, and Chris had stopped by to bring me dinner to break up my 14-hour day, and, well, the whole front end was kind of accordian-crumpled as a result. I found this exceptionally amusing, but I had worked 14 hours and was more than a little slap-happy.
The company's insurance man came and appraised Mulva yesterday and will cover all of the damage. However, last night we took Mulva to the gym and were the victims of a hit-and-run sideswipe that left one headlight shattered and scattered on the pavement about 10 yards from the car and copious red paint along the newly-impacted left side. Chris is on the warpath to find and photograph the offending full-size red truck with yellow lettering on the side that was parked next to us when we arrived, a truck which often parks in our gym lot. It's been a bad month for Mulva.

For the next two months I have decided that, in addition to my Grellow knitting commitment, I am going to knit with Project Spectrum in the greens and browns. I hope that this is an effective way to cull the stash; we shall see. I have swatched for a sweater that I've been promising Chris for nearly a year:

I'm also working on some socks in Yarntini Sport Weight in Chololatini, basic 1 by 3 rib on #3 needles:

AND, in the background, bonus libation recipe!
Have you gotten your 5 servings of fruit and veggies for the day? No? Is this perhaps because the fruit you have is past its prime, a bit grainy, or just not really in season? Do you have a juicer? If so:
Juice your second-tier fruit (in this case it was 2 pears and about 10 stawberries)
Pour the juice into a cocktail shaker
Add as much vodka as you like (I do about 1 part vodka to 1 part juice, but I really like vodka)
Add some ice
Shake and strain and enjoy
There. You've eaten your fruit and can relax a bit after all the car trauma. Good night!