I have an appeal date for Unemployment, and I chortle in Deadline #1's face! Har har hargh!
The knitting around here has been challenging but fantastic. You'll have to trust me. However, I am taking a "gauge break" (I find that knitting a bit in a different gauge than your main project when my wrists start to ache can provide some relief) to start the sock parade that marks every Mothers' Day in the Weaver-Bergh family (Mothers' Day, the Holiest of the High Hallmark Holidays):

This one is the
Child's French Sock from Nancy Bush's book "Knitting Vintage Socks " (it's sized for a woman, and I'm not telling you moms and grandmas which one of you this pair is for) worked in Zen Yarn Garden
Serenity sock yarn (if you knit, check out her
roving. I've used several colors of the merino, and it was The softest I. Have ever. Felt. Just going over there and looking at the colors brought a little tear to my eye because I just want to gather them all up and bring them into my loving home).
And check out the seed pattern on this pepper. That's a must-knit texture for sure!

Okay, time for bed. I've been running my butt off at my restaurant job hostessing these past two nights (oh, and for those of you who were curious, a "Facilitator" is like a barback, stocking alcohol and glasses at the bar, bussing tables, dragging ice buckets and serving drinks. On one of those little round trays. I balance it on one hand up high and try to walk with class in my paratrooper jump boots and the-smallest-they-make-but-still-hillariously-large-on-me Dickies black work pants).
ETA: Shelly, you wrote me a comment a few posts back about my Tempest leftovers... email me if you are interested in a trade (weaverbergh13@verizon.net)!