Thursday, April 16, 2009

Holding Pattern! But Fear Not!

Hello to everyone who's been wondering about my appeal: The appeal is going to take longer than the hour allotted, so it will be continued on May 19.

Bad: I will have no real income for another month.

Good: My former employer is done with testimony, and they have nothing. On May 19 I get to tell my story, calmly and truthfully.

So I picture myself on an airplane, on a journey. My plane is circling my final destination and is in a holding pattern, but not an uncertain "weather-related" holding pattern; rather, a holding pattern that is the result of several other planes that need to land before my plane can. My plane will land safely at my destination, just later than I would have hoped.

In the meantime, enjoy this nice shot of some yarn I spun the other night that is now in the shop:


craftivore said...

That's annoying to have to wait another month. Will the judge remember what went down earlier? I love the dark colors of the yarn

ajdury said...

Well, that just leaves you with another month filled with all of our "Good Luck" and "Here's to Victory" vibes, and that's only a good thing for your side and not theirs!

You'll continue to be in my thoughts.

erngrn said...

those colors are awesome!!

Lori said...

Hang on to that attitude! I'm still sending you positive thoughts everyday until I hear the cry of VICTORY!

Michele said...

i like your airplane analogy - great way of looking at it. and your handspun is really nice.